CEED snapshot11

EDIT: Windows release contained a CEGUI/Spinner related bug, a new build has been uploaded. (ceed-snapshot11-win32-r2.zip).

New snapshot has been released. Archives provide testing sample data with CEGUI 0.7 and CEGUI 1.0 datafiles. There is a new project called CurrentDatafiles.project, it will try to load datafiles from ${CEED_FOLDER}../cegui_mk2/datafiles.

There have been 15 tickets resolved compared to the last snapshot10. Apart from fixing bugs this release has a new experimental feature - widget locking in layout editing. Please try it out, feedback is appreciated!

Grab the source tarball, Windows standalone binaries or MacOS X app bundle (not there yet, will be coming in a few days) at


- 0000910: [Layout editing] Same issue as 0000901 again, but with layouts that include a Combobox (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000926: [CLI tools] Migration tool crashes with a specific layout file (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000518: [Layout editing] Add locking functionality to prevent accidental moves/resizes of unwanted windows (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000924: [CLI tools] ceed-mic doesn't add padding around images, causing artefacts because of UV interpolation/rounding (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000929: [Layout editing] In snapshot 10, if using the spinner the values for min max and current value all get set to 0 constantly (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000923: [CLI tools] Metaimageset should get Inkscape SVG export (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000915: [General] Python scripts should invoke python2 not python [patch included] (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000909: [General] Add OpenGL diagnostic info to error.py (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000901: [General] Can not save layout file after editing (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000904: [Layout editing] Windows aren't rotated even when you rotate them with property inspector (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000896: [Imageset editing] CEED destroys the per-image autoScaled and native{Horz,Vert}Res data when loading and saving imageset (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000887: [General] ceed will output "abort: no mercurial repository (no .hg available)" (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000890: [Imageset editing] Entering special chars in the native resolution editboxes leads to a crash (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000888: [General] Crash when existing files are added to the project via proejct manager dock widget (Kulik) - resolved.
- 0000886: [Documentation] Selecting Help -> User manual does nothing on OSX and Windows (Kulik) - resolved.
